+359 876 199665  |  sales@vintech.bg

Frequently Asked Questions

To work effectively with NESPERT CAM systems it is recommended to use a PC with the following configuration for engineering design:

  • 64-bit Intel®  Core i5™ or i7™, or AMD Ryzen (Zen 2 or Zen3 architecture) CPU,
  • 16 GB DDR4 RAM,
  • an available USB port,
  • SSD HDD (with NVMe interface),
  • Mouse with wheel,
  • ATI or nVIDIA video controller with resolution at least 1920х1080 and 32-bit color,
  • 22’’ display, 16:9 display aspect ratio and resolution not less than 1920х1080 is recommended,
  • Microsoft Windows® 10 or 11,
  • optional WIFI and/or Ethernet controller,
  • optional DVD/CD-ROM..

Important! 64-bit Windows (for x86-64 architecture) can address a large enough amount of RAM to a single nesting. It is recommended to use a PC with 16GB RAM for work with NESPERT CAM.

CPU with more cores and higher frequency, more cache memory, more RAM and higher HDD exchange rates are preferable.

All printers and plotters, supported by the operating system, can be used to print documents.

Using 64-bit, more powerful Intel or AMD processor significantly increases the comfort of working with the system. 

Using lower class processors is possible, but that will provoke a feeling of sluggishness of the system. This leads to inefficient nesting and extends the time to NC program.

If the warranty period of your NESPERT system has not expired, you have the right of a free update to the latest release of the license.

If your license is in warranty or the warranty period has expired less than 1 (one) month ago, you are eligible to a Paid support contract. It has a duration of one year and it includes a free update to the latest version of the purchased product.

Important! The paid support contract is the most cost-effective way to update NESPERT CAM.

Get paid support

If You have a license for the CAM system v8, v9, v10 or v11 and the Warranty period has expired, You have to buy One-time update to NESPERT CAM, in order to acquire the latest innovations in the system.

Get One-time update

If you are using genuine Vintech RASKROY WL, Vintech RCAM v3, Vintech RCAM v4, Vintech RCAM v5 [.5], Vintech RCAM v6, Vintech RCAM-Master v7 or Vintech RCAM-Pro v7 updating your license is possible by purchasing a new license.

Ask for an offer for new license

To update to current version of NESPERT CAM system you have to:

  1. Contact the VINTECH CADCAM support service and request a current release.
  2. Open the Distribution media containing the installer and get acquainted with the installation instruction.
  3. Run the install wizard of the purchased variant of the system and follow the instructions.
In a lot of cases, our users refuse an update to the current version of the NESPERT CAM CAM system, with the argument that their current version of the system fully meets their requirements.
To those of our clients, we wish many years of trouble-free work with Vintech RCAM, Vintech Pipe or Vintech Duct.

If you update your currently working system to NESPERT CAM you will receive a significant nesting speed up, more efficient automatic nesting and a lot of new valuable features, as well as improved usability.

In all cases of normal work, the cost of the update will pay off within one to two months.

After update, the ability of NESPERT to work in the environment of Microsoft Windows 10 or 11 will be preserved.

The license of NESPERT CAM, NESPERT Pipe or NESPERT Duct is not connected to a particular machine, nor is it for temporary use. All available machines can be programmed with a single license, and if you expand or update your factory machinery – it could be set for the new machines as well. In addition, the system has no specific versions for oxy-fuel, plasma or laser cutting machines.

Each NESPERT license is network-competitive.

Setting NESPERT (CAM, Pipe or Duct) for NC programming of a particular machine is done using a postprocessor and Technological Datasets Base (TDB).

NESPERT allows the alternative use of two types of postprocessors: Universal and External.
The Universal postprocessor is built into the system and provides tabular tools for user configuration.
The External postprocessor is a Python program, which is usually developed by specialists competent in NESPERT.

All Datasets are supported in the SQL DB and can be exported to or imported from XML files. Loading data for а new machine in NESPERT is done by loading set of XML files.

The NESPERT documentation provides all necessary information for the types of datasets and the actions needed to load the information in them, as well as information about setup and development of postprocessors.

Should you have any problems – contact VINTECH CADCAM or its partners for a solution.

To work with a CAM system from the NESPERT family it is required to have a hardware WIBU key with valid registration code for the purchased system and version.

After updating to new version, you have to make a NEW registration request and send it to the Support service. The Support service will send you an e-mail with valid registration code, which you have to load into the WIBU key.

On the installation media you will find a file containing service instructions for the WIBU key, called "WIBU code EN.pdf". Please follow the instructions in the file.

Please, contact the VINTECH CADCAM Support service by e-mail or phone for more detailed information.

The description of the environment is created using Datasets for: machines, carriages, torches, gases, universal postprocessor configurations, external postprocessors, material types and grades, processing technologies, tables with machine parameters and others.

The machine stands at the highest level of the structure that describes the environment and is described by its structural components, which may contain their own components, etc.

Example: The machine uses one postprocessor or another; the Machine has a Carriage (Station for a cutting/processing type); the Carriage uses Tools (Torches or others) for different Material Thicknesses and Material Types; the Torch may use gas compounds; the Torches can be produced by different Producer; For each processed Material Type and Thickness, for the given Machine, the parameters for managing the technology are stored in the Processing technology table.

At the beginning of each project, the user has to select Machine, Material and Thickness. Based on the selection NESPERT CAM automatically recommends management parameters of the processing technology in the current zone, which the user can re-define.

The data from the Datasets can be exported to an XML file.

When exporting to an XML file the whole information concerning the machine is included – postprocessor, carriages, torches, materials, processing technologies, etc. When importing into the system, the same data is loaded in order to give a complete description of the environment and processing technologies.
The user must keep track not to duplicate the datasets during import.

Now, by employing this import/export method, it is possible to quickly exchange technological datasets between different users, as well as to load them from the support website http://support.vintech.bg/.

Another way to exchange technological datasets is to copy the SQL database – the file catalog?.db.

After pasting the DB file, the user should indicate the path to the new database in NESPERT system settings.

Important! It is not recommended to delete the previous database of the system; It should be renamed and archived instead.

Yes, it can, but please note the following:

The optimal nesting of metal parts differs from the optimal nesting of textile patterns or non-metal parts. The metal parts permit and require nesting in openings of the already nested parts. When nesting textile patterns for the textile industry the part-in-part nesting is not used but it is necessary to adjust textures and prints. Therefore, cutting with NESPERT is not recommended in the textile industry.

NESPERT is used for true shape nesting and programming of the processing of parts from plates or sheets, that are set firmly to the table by a vacuum and that are from:

- special textile materials (dacron, pentex, ...);

- non-metal sheets (fiberglass, poly-carbonate);

- wooden sheets (Chipboard, MDF, HDF);

- sheets of soft foamed plastics (PU foam, foam latex, memory foam).

In these cases NESPERT programs CNC machines that cut with laser, water jet, mill, tangential roller or cord and which can be equipped with stations for raster marking, engraving, drilling or which has got the capacity to mill radius or chamfers on the contours.

In order to cut special textile with roller with tangential control a NC programming of the orientation of the roller is required to process the sharp corners together with raster or vector marking.

To process parts from fiberglass CNC routers are used as well as robots that are equipped with different cutting tools.

The nesting of non-metal flange gaskets requires unlimited part-in-part nesting and cutting with laser or tangential roller.

The nesting of foamed plastics requires all of the contours to be processed with only one lead-in of the cutting cord from the corner.

The processing of parts of wooden sheets combines milling, engraving, marking and drilling of holes.

NESPERT successfully solves all tasks for cutting parts from special fabrics, leather, plastic sheets, soft foamed plastics, providing advanced options for programming the processing technology with CNC machines.

True shape nesting is well-known NP-complete task.

The time required for solving this task grows exponentially with the number of items, which have to be nested and the number of contours, describing the item.

There is no applicable optimal solution, which gives the best nesting, moreover – nesting optimal for the different cutting technologies.

Therefore, the optimal true shape nesting is found only in the human brain - it is a purely subjective assessment. As a result the true shape nesting is done by APPLYING THE MOST APPROPRIATE HEURISTIC CRITERIA TO THE PARTICULAR PROBLEM AREA.

As a rule every nesting, without exception, could be improved.
NESPERT uses built-in methods for automatic and interactive step by step, tight nesting by optimising the positioning of each part. In combination with the options to retrace the design process and for modifying the nesting parameters, the user can develop their own strategy and control the process efficiently at any time.

Nesting with NESPERT reflects the users’ experience and style. The interactivity is organised so that after the computer has calculated the nesting for several minutes, the user is able to correct out the things they do not like in seconds, and to move forward.

NESPERT is a tool for achieving the best nesting and cutting technology corresponding to the experience and knowledge of the user, in the shortest time.

This principle is fundamental for the future development and improvement of the system.

Working with settings in CAM systems was the common way to set the processing technology. By changing separate, loosely related parameters, the user can create a variety of processing technologies.

Managing the parameters by settings is still available in NESPERT, but a significantly more powerful method for automatic control of technology parameters is implemented in the system.

The system database supports descriptions of the technological environment and processing technology rules. The definitions prepared in advance include the full capacities of every possible technology and are represented as Technological Datasets Base (TDB).

In the design process, the material, thickness, type of processing and the specific condition of the technological environment allow NESPERT to determine the required processing technology in the current zone of the plate. At any time and stage of the project the user can modify the processing technology and the already applied technological parameters.

The work of the system with Technological Datasets Base provides the fastest and most accurate design process and programming of machines with complicated and complex configurations.