NESPERT MES - Nesting cutting production management system
NESPERT ViNES is a system by which in manufacturing enterprises with CNC machines for true shape nesting, the following is achieved:
Full traceability of manufactured parts and usable remnants (UR) by Heat No. and metal plates certificates,
Optimal organization and motivation of the staff to increase production productivity.
Control of costs and efficiency by nesting orders,
Transparency in the nesting production - from the creation of an order, through tracking the progress of preparation and production of nesting layouts to the release of finished products,
Managing changes in nesting orders and balancing the load of thermal cutting machines,
Accepts orders, plans and prepares nesting production,
manages the warehouse movement of metal plates in warehouses and production areas,
nests with true shape on whole plates and usable remnants and programs CNC machines for thermal cutting.
manages the production by nesting layouts.
distributes tasks between Management Staff, NC Programmers, Warehouse Workers, CNC Machine Operators.
Composition of NESPERT ViNES
In the composition of the system NESPERT ViNES, based on a common SQL DB, the following systems work:
NESPERT Warehouse SM (WEB browser)
NESPERT Production (WEB browser)
NESPERT Operator (WEB browser)
NESPERT Administrator (WEB browser)
NESPERT ViNES works with varying degrees of integration in the composition of the management systems of the metalworking enterprise. The interface options are realised with various ERP/MPR systems.
NESPERT Manager prepares product specifications; Imports from CAD files and checks the parts from the specifications,
prices orders,
releases nesting orders,
plans nesting production,
loads nesting jobs in NESPERT CAM,
saves projects, nesting layouts and parts
tracks and shows the progress of the preparation of parts from an order
organizes reporting of changes of parts and scrap restoration work,
NESPERT ViNES dispatches the execution of Nesting layouts on the CNC machines
provides detailed information on the processing progress by orders
accounts the produced parts, usable remnants, used plates,
NESPERT CAM opens projects with parts by jobs from NESPERT Manager,
selects from NESPERT Warehouse SM and reserves plates in projects. Releases the unused plates,
nests with true shape on whole plates and usable remnants by jobs with priorities, set by NESPERT Manager. Returns the quantities of non-nested parts from the project to NESPET Manager for subsequent nesting,
Creates Nesting layouts – nested parts from a specified material on selected plates, for processing with a selected machine, with or without technology,
prices projects,
registers Nesting layouts in queues by machines in NESPERT Production,
automatically generates and saves NC program, time by program, technological, organization documents and production quota for each registered nesting layout in the NESPERT database.
NESPERT Warehouse SM supports information about the warehouse logistics of whole plates – plates on the way, in warehouses, in storage cells and on machines, and of usable remnants - in storage cells and on machines.
Supports complete sheet material information for: deliveries, warehouse transfers, dispatching, reservations, inclusion and exhaustion in the production.
Each user action is saved into a system log.
NESPERT Warehouse SM „knows“ weight, grade, thickness, certificate, heat No. and geometry of each plate,
Supports information about the history of changes of each plate until it is exhausted.
Displays the current information in synthesized on-line stock reports for materials, movements, produced parts – by machines, from plate type.
The information is provided for fixed or selected periods.
Supports an interactive layout for each warehouse or workshop, on which it shows the available plates in ground and vertical storage cells. Color codes the load capacity of a storage cell.
Searches from the available and selects plates and UR suitable for true shape nesting, if there are none available - from plates for delivery, and provides information about the selection in NESPERT CAM.
NESPERT Warehouse SM supports reservations of the plates selected in project, used in nesting layots and confirmed for production.
Automatically costs the produces usable remnants and parts. Returns the usable remnants and parts after cutting from the machine to their designated cells in the warehouse.
NESPERT Production shows in real time:
current state (progress) of the active orders in the workshop,
current interactive schedule and register of nesting layouts with parts for a selected order, by machines,
common register of nesting layouts for production,
supports interactive production schedule of all CNC thermal cutting machines,
supports interactive layout for an area/workshop with CNC thermal cutting machines,
Displays on the interactive layout the on_line changes in the production process on each machine:
fulfillment progress of the orders in the production,
state of the CNC machines for true shape nesting,
production state by nesting layouts on the workshop layout,
detailed information about the current and pending nesting layouts,
supports interactive schedule and register of nesting layouts with parts for each CNC machine
saves production reports by workplaces for a period.
Changes the state of nesting layouts in the production with minimal data input,
organizes the production of a group of operators with a single machine or with a group of machines,
NESPERT Operator is a system which:
-"delivers" NESPERT on a terminal (WEB browser) to the CNC machine,
- reports the execution of NC programs - feedback on the production state
- records the work of the machine operators.
NESPERT Operator supports a queue with validated nesting layoutson a machine or for a group of machines.
provides functions to set starting work on a nesting layout, interrupting, resuming and ending a nesting layout,
provides information about a selected Nesting layout from the Approved or released for processing list,
when interrupting a nesting layout reports the currentlyproduced parts by indicating on an interactive sketch of the processing,
after interrupting or ending a nesting layout reports the produced parts in NESPERT,
provides functionality for post-marking in the NC program of the heat No., order, part ID on the predetermined parts from the nesting layout,
supports logs for the machine state and for the operator performance.
NESPERT ViNES distributes tasks between Management Staff, NC Programmers, Warehouse Workers, CNC Machine Operators.
organizes authentication, roles and access of users to the parts and functions of the system,
provides each user with a tool to enter the minimum necessary information for which they are responsible.
registers users with chip cards or username-password
supports a records of operators and machines.
System requirements
The CAM system NESPERT CAM and CAPP system NESPERT Manager
▪ Work in network-competitive mode.
▪ The Windows 10, 11 and Linux versions ARE EQUALLY FUNCTIONAL.
NESPERT ViNES is implemented as an Intranet system
▪ The users work in NESPERT ViNES with Firefox, Chrome or EDGEWEB Browsers.
▪ User registration is done using Name, Password or RFID card.
All systems from NESPERT ViNES use network database implemented an SQL server PostgreSQL.
All systems from NESPERT ViNES are localized in English and Bulgarian. There are no localization language restrictions in the system.
The licenses are activated using a network hardware key WIBUBox/U+. The key is installed on a USB port of a file server in the network.
NESPERT CAM and NESPERT Manager have network licensing from the hardware key. The network licenses allow the installation of these CAM systems on multiple workplaces, connected to the factory's network, while the number of simultaneously working users is equal to the number of purchased licenses.
The NESPERT ViNES WEB server licensing is done by a WIBUBox/U+ hardware key, which controls the number of connections.